
I want to take just a moment to briefly introduce you to a first-class, exciting, teen soul-winning program. I was a youth pastor for nearly 15 years, and though I knew of many youth departments that had organized teen soul-winning, I had never heard of a full program including comprehensive training, awards, competition, and follow-up. I knew that my own teenagers in my youth department were not reaching their potential in soul-winning. In 2001, after much work, organization, and investment I developed and started for our teenagers a program called S.W.A.T. – Soul Winning Assault Teens. I wanted something about which our young men would get excited and in which they would participate readily. The girls quickly jumped on board as well and we were off and running. The previous year our teens had won around 400 souls to the Lord. With the S.W.A.T. program instituted, they led nearly 1,700 to Christ that year. Not only did our number of converts increase, but we went from taking out around 10 teens each week to nearly 30 young people becoming active, faithful, fruitful soul-winners. Additionally, through their soul-winning efforts, follow-up on their converts, and the blessings of God our youth department went from about 20 teens to over 40 teens. The next year they won over 2,100 to Christ and our youth department grew to nearly 60 young people. In the first few years of S.W.A.T. they had led nearly 10,000 people to Christ, and we had a high attendance of over 100 in our teen Sunday school department. Something was working!

We started to receive phone calls from other churches about what was going on, and we soon published the program in a manual for them to use with their teenagers. Soon SWAT was being used in over 30 states and SWAT International now in 7 countries. The program continues to be effective and exciting for churches of all sizes and areas. Whether your teen department has 2 teenagers or 200 this program will take your young people not just to the next level of soulwinning, but to a level you would not have guessed they could have attained. The churches that have used the SWAT program have seen an increase in people saved, down the aisle, and in church; excitement and growth in their youth program; and even an increase in adult soul-winning participation and productivity based on the example and motivation of the teenagers. The program is completely “turn-key” for you to run. We simply supply materials and awards to save you the exorbitant amount of time and money that goes into the set-up work, equipment, production, etc. We hope to save you a lot of cost and effort to still have and run the most comprehensive, exciting, rewarding, productive, and complete teen soul-winning program available.

I would encourage you to contact us for more information, questions, a manual, or to have a SWAT representative come to your church to hold a SWAT rally and kick off the program for your youth department. We have moved our SWAT Youth Ministries headquarters to Tennessee where I now pastor.

Please feel free to give us a call at (901) 795-5407 or correspond by mail at SWAT Youth Ministries, 3812 Kirby Parkway, Memphis, TN 38115 or email us through this website. We would love to hear from you soon! You will be amazed at what your teens will do with the training, excitement, and awards of the SWAT program in your church!
