Thank you for visiting our website! Our prayer is that you will find our site helpful and informative in learning more about our ministry here at Calvary. We believe that here at Calvary you will find a church that loves our Lord first and foremost, loves each other, and desires to please Him in all that we do.

Questions About Eternity?
Our Regular Service Times:
We have a nursery available for all services for children ages newborn up to 3 years of age. A nursery for special needs children is also available.
Sunday Morning – Our Sunday School classes for all ages meet at 10 AM. Both our morning church service and children’s junior church begin at 11 AM. (Livestream service)
Sunday Night: Our Sunday night services begin at 6:00 PM. (Livestream service)
Kids for Christ for children ages 6-12 (6th grade) meets in the junior church at the same time.
Wednesday Night -Our church-wide Bible Study and Prayer Time begins at 7:00 PM. (Livestream service)
Please continue to give so that we can do right by the 62 missionaries whom we support and keep things running at the church. You may use the Online Giving link above or mail your offering to the church: Calvary Baptist Church, 3812 Kirby Parkway, Memphis, TN 38115.
All of our livestreams and uploaded videos of sermons, devotionals, and announcements can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.