Sunday Bible Classes

Our Sunday Bible Classes provide a structured and age-appropriate opportunity for every person to hear the Word of God taught on their level. From the Nursery Department set aside for ages 0-3 years, to the Primary Department for ages 4-5 years, to a Junior Department for 1st – 6th grades to a Teen Department, Singles Department, Adult Classes and Senior Saints, there is an opportunity for learning and growth in a setting applicable and encouraging to them. Our Sunday Bible Classes also allows newcomers to connect with and get to know people of their own age in a smaller, more casual and intimate setting. We would love for you to join us at 10:00 AM each Sunday to study, fellowship and learn God’s Word in a class that’s just right for you!

Bus Ministry

For over 40 years Calvary has been running busses around town picking up children, teenagers, and adults for church every Sunday morning. To be able to provide transportation and opportunity for people to attend who would not be able to otherwise will always be an important ministry of our church. There is no charge for this service. Though we cannot go to every part of town, our bus routes extend many miles to areas both outside of and surrounding our church. We now have young people that ride our busses every week whose parents rode our busses as children. Our faithful staff of bus workers visits weekly to see who will be riding and then leave early Sunday mornings to pick up their riders and return them home in the afternoon. If you would like to inquire about a bus picking you or a loved one up for church, please contact our church office and our bus director will be happy to assist you.

Children Ministries

Calvary offers several other activities and functions for our children’s department in addition to our Sunday Bible Classes. We have Primary Church and Junior Church during the 11:00 AM Sunday service and Kids for Christ during the 6:00 PM evening service. This gives us the opportunity to teach things to young people pertinent to them. Our dedicated children’s workers teach all ages through songs, Bible stories, Bible memorization and character lessons. The older ages will also learn many truths via skits, puppet shows, games, activities, and contests. Your young people will love Primary Church, Junior Church and Kids for Christ. Other opportunities for our children also include Junior Camp, Home School Co-Op, field trips, Fall Festival activities and much more. Calvary loves children and children love coming to Calvary!

Luke 18:16 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Teen Department

Our Youth Department is also very active at Calvary. Besides their own separate Sunday Bible Classes, we provide many other opportunities for the young people to be involved. From Summer Teen Camp to youth conferences to choir and music programs to soulwinning to taking part in our yearly Christmas play, to helping out in junior church, operating puppets, playing the guitar, performing in skits, taking part in fundraisers, missionary trips, and other various and sundry activities, we seek to engage our teens in endeavors that will encourage their spiritual growth. We like our teenagers active and busy for the Lord. Our goal is to get each young person to have a personal walk with God, desire long-term Christ-like living and to know the joy of developing life-long friendships with likeminded, godly young people. We love our teenagers!

1 Timothy 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.


At Calvary we feel that everyone is important, and that is why we try to offer something for everyone. We have a terrific Singles Department. They not only enjoy a Bible Class geared to meet their needs, but they enjoy gathering for regular monthly activities, help with many service projects around our church and in the community and participate in our exciting, yearly Single’s Conference in which other local Baptist churches are invited to attend. Updates about what is going on are regularly posted on Instagram and Facebook. If you are looking to enjoy fellowship with other young, single adults, this is the place for you. Come and check us out!

Senior Saints

We adore our Senior Saints and believe they should be a vital part of the church, not a forgotten group. In addition to a Sunday Bible Class tailored just for them, we also have monthly activities in which they can participate. These activities include, but are not limited to, monthly fellowships at area restaurants, After-Glow luncheons at the church, Game Nights, and both soulwinning and service opportunities. We believe our Seniors have wisdom of years and deserve our unconditional love, attention and respect. We also provide transportation to any senior adult who needs it and it is within our capabilities to provide. We love our Seniors!

 Job 12:12 With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.              


Soul Winning is something we take very seriously at Calvary. We believe in the Great Commission as expressed by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20 and that it is a command to be taken to heart. For that reason, we don’t just talk about it, we do it! We purpose to train our people in how to effectively share the gospel and to always be on the lookout for opportunities to share Christ with others. We encourage our folks to do that regularly by providing times for our folks to be able to go into the community with fellow church members and invite people to church. We believe that sharing the Gospel is not only a command, but a wonderful privilege and experience for a believer to have.

Matthew 28:19-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Music Ministry

Music is a vital and important part of the Christian life. God designed music to be used to give Him praise, strengthen and edify the saints, lift our spirits, and unite believers. We believe in God-honoring music. Our church has a wonderful choir along with many different music groups, ensembles, and programs. From the children, to the teens, to the adults, we want our people involved in music and singing. The adult choir, special music groups, soloists and instrumentalists provide special numbers for each of our services. Although our music is dynamic and inspirational, it is also conservative. You won’t find drums, rock rhythms or dancing in our services but neither will you find it boring. The music is guaranteed to excite, refresh, rejuvenate and draw you closer to God. We believe our music ministry will be a blessing to you.

Psalms 149:1 Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.

Prayer Groups

Nothing is more vital to our individual or corporate success than being faithful on our knees. We teach and preach the importance of personal and private prayer for each believer. We have a church-wide prayer meeting every Wednesday night. In addition to this Bible study time, we share prayer requests, blessings and answers to prayer. We also enjoy specific times for gatherings. Prayer time will always take place in the individual Bible Class time but it is also available for Ladies via Zoom on Monday mornings, for anyone at noon on Saturdays following visitation, at 8:30 on Sunday mornings before classes and at 6:15 on Wednesdays before the evening service. God said that His house should be called a “house of prayer.” At Calvary we work hard to make it and keep it that way in both name and practice!

World-Wide Missions

God has commanded us to get the gospel to the entire world. That is certainly a larger task than we can do single-handedly. Our people are people who have faithfully and cheerfully given money to support our missionaries across the world in their efforts to win souls to Jesus, plant churches, baptize believers, teach the Word, and train believers to win souls as well. This allows us to multiply the possibilities of getting the gospel to places and people we could never personally reach. Along with financial support, we endeavor to encourage the 62 missionaries that our church is currently supporting with prayers, emails, letters, care packages, and missions’ trips designed to bring service and aid. To the glory of God, we have even been so blessed as to double their support in recent years.

Home School Co-op

Not many churches can boast of having a Co-op but we do! Amazingly enough, most of our growing families are home schooling ones and we have a group of wonderful parents and children. The Co-Op is an educational enrichment program designed for children in grades K-4 to 6th grade with the purpose of giving parents and children an opportunity to grow, learn and fellowship in a low-key, non-pressurized environment. Parents and experienced teachers come together to pool their talents, resources and teaching abilities to help one another meet the needs of the attending young people. The educational emphasis is structured around reading, writing, speech, drama, group presentations, music, P.E., Spanish, Deaf Interpretation, and other group-based avenues of study. Field trips along with a yearly Summer Fun Reading Program are also an exciting part of the plan. Come on out and join us every Thursday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for an educational adventure guaranteed to enrich your child’s life.